
Commercial Space

USD $4,445 Per Month


Located in a residential/commercial zone of Rodney Bay, is this attractive and spacious two level commercial building. It is in close proximity to the commercial hub of Rodney Bay while providing sufficient privacy boundaries.

This property is completely fenced and can be accessed through a vehicular entrance and side pedestrian gate. The compound is adorned with various tropical shrubbery and flowers and a well maintained lawn which assists in creating that peaceful ambiance.

The first floor of the building structure is designed as an apartment and consist of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a very large living room, a dining room and kitchen area. The living room can be easily be converted into a conference room while the bedrooms separate offices.

The ground floor is already designed in an office like fashion with partitions and special lightning. There is a separate room which has a studio all in one concept attached to the ground floor which can be used as kitchenette/lunch room for staff. The property’s appeal is further increased by the high level of security provided from security bars and bright lightening. There is ample parking inside and around the property and it can be rented as a whole or separately.

Previous occupants included but where not limited to off-shore banks, Embassies, and head office for a number of businesses.

No utilities are included except for the ground maintenance which is serviced by the landlord.


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